
2025-01-08 Well done to Miranda Steacy who presented the Journal of Anatomy Best Paper Prize 2023, Synchondrosis Fusion Contributes to the Progression of Postnatal Craniofacial Dysmorphology in Syndromic Craniosynostosis, at the Anatomical Society conference in Preston, Lancashire (UK).

2024-12-17 Very well done to Katherine Wang for her second article being published in BBC Future, read more about it on the following link “Lymphoedema: The ‘hidden’ cancer side-effect no one talks about”

2024-09-21 Together with Young Person Network of Headlines Craniofacial Support, researches from Profs Liu and Twigg, we organised the first conference of this network. The day brought together researchers working on different aspects of craniosynostosis and those affected by this condition. Researchers shared their work in three hands on activities while those affected by craniosynostosis shared their life stories. We all had an amazing day a huge thanks to all involved and UKRI EPSRC & MRC for supporting the event.

2024-08-08 A huge congratulations to Ce Liang for a great study on predicting craniofacial growth in human. This study was published in iScience a joint collaboration with colleagues in University of Pisa (Italy), Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain), Erasmus Medical Centre (Netherland), Hopital Necker–Enfants Malades (France), Oxford Craniofacial Unit (UK) and University of York (UK). Below video was developed by Ce and Marius featuring for this paper.   

2024-07-28 Dr Katherine Wang was invited to give a talk at TEDx Cranfield University. Her talk “The Flow Must Go On: The Lymphatic System, Our Body’s Unsung Hero”, aimed to raise awareness of the medical condition called lymphoedema, and the importance of the lymphatic system.

2024-07-17 A huge congratulations to Dr Katherine Wang who was awarded the ABSW media fellowship. A programme that provides unique opportunities for practicing scientists, clinicians and engineers to work in media outlet. She will start her placement at BBC Future later this August.

2024-06-28 We are so proud of Mr Ce Liang who passed his PhD viva with minor corrections. We are delighted that Ce has decided to stay in the lab for a post-doc position.

2024-06-06 Congratulations to Yunus for being awarded the 1st prize for Best Post-Graduate Teaching Assistant at UCL East, recognising his commitment to delivering high-quality teaching within the department.

2024-04-16 Congratulations to Dr Tengyang Qiu and Mr Ce Liang for receiving travel grants from The Genetics Society and Disease Models & Mechanisms – The Company of Biologists. These awards will support both of them to attend GRC Craniofacial Morphogenesis and Tissue Regeneration (26-31 May, 2024 – Spain). 

2024-02-21 Congratulations to Miranda Steacy for winning the Maria-Bitner Glindzicz Early Career Research Award for her exceptional achievement as a PhD student at Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health. 

2023-12-18 We are so proud of Dr Katherine Wang for being awarded a Royal Academy of Engineering Enterprise Fellowship. Dr Wang will continue working on her start up, LymphMotion, revolutioizing lymphoedema treatment. 

2023-12-10 Well done to Ce Liang and Marius Didziokas who were runner-up of October 2023 Best Image Prize of the Anatomical Society for the scientific and artwork categories. A joint effort across the lab with support from Dr Souquet and Pauws.

2023-10-01 A huge congratulations to Dr Arsalan Marghoub for his paper being featured on the front cover of Anatomical Record Oct 2023 issue and being selected as Editor choice. 

2023-08-25 We organized and run the 3rd  “Advances in Craniosynostosis – Basic Sciences to Clinical Practice”. We had a great day honoring life time contributions of Prof Gillian Morriss-kay to the field of craniofacial biology.

2023-07-31 Together with our collaborators, Drs Vickaryous and Williams, we organised “The Integumentary Skeleton: Evolution, Development, Biomechanics, and Bioinspiration” symposium at ICVM2023 in Cairns, Australia. We had a wonderful day; a huge thanks to all colleagues contributed from across the world and also The Company of Biologists, HFSP and ICVM for supporting this symposium.

2023-07-07 Dr Souquet and Miss Wang were awarded Irene Manton Poster Prize at 2023 Society of Experimental Biology conference held at Edinburgh, Scotland.

2023-06-27 We were invited and attended at HFSP High-level Science Summit & International Scientific Symposium on Basic Life Science for Sustainability (Paris, France). We contributed to the discussion on HFSP Scientists for Scientists Initiative (S4S) to help Ukrainian researchers affected by the war.

2023-02-17 Three of our lab members (Dr Maliuk, Dr Souquet, Mr Liang) presented their work at the 3rd Annual Meeting of UCL Centre for Integrative Anatomy. We had a great day with a fantastic mix of talks that was hosted by Dr Phil Cox.

2022-09-29 Dr Katherine Wang was awarded a UKRI Healthy Ageing and Zinc award. This was part of a wider global competition founded they the US National Academy of Medicine. The project aims to advance treatment of Lymphoedema and we are so proud of Katherine. 

2022-06-28 Conner became the runner up of 2022 European Society of Biomechanics (ESB) Student award. Conner did an excellent presentation and was in top 4 out of 60 applicants across the Europe. We were so proud of him.  

2022-06-08 Mehran Moazen became the runner up at the UCL 2022 Student Choice Awards – Outstanding Research Supervision. He was in the top 3 out of 55 nominees across UCL. 

2022-06-01 We welcomed Dr Maliuk who joined us on a HFSP Scientists for Scientists grant from the National Museum of Natural History NAS Ukraine.

2022-05-05 We are so proud of Miss Katherine Wang who passed her PhD viva with minor corrections.

2022-03-02 We are delighted to have been awarded an EPSRC Open Fellowship to investigate the mechanobiology of the craniofacial system. An exciting project in collaboration with several inter/national partners.

2021-11-20 It was an absolute pleasure and honour to run our skull workshop together with Prof Evans for Headlines Craniofacial Support. A huge thanks to all members of the lab for making this happen. 

2021-10-12 We had a great evening welcoming Louise and Marius to the team.

2021-08-27 We organized and run the 2nd one-day mini-symposium on “Advances in Craniosynostosis – Basic Sciences to Clinical Practice”. This meeting was run virtually this year given the pandemic. A great meeting that brought about 60 attendees/experts together from across the world.

2021-04-16 We are delighted to be recipient of PhD Plus Grants from Rosetrees Trust. A huge well done to Mr Connor Cross for his outstanding progress on his PhD to date that is well recognised with this grant.

2021-04-06 We are so proud of Dr Louise Souquet who has been awarded a prestigious HFSP long-term fellowship joining us from Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris). Louise is among the 63 world’s most outstanding life scientists, chosen through rigorous international selection out of a total of 665 applications from scientists of 65 different nationalities. Very well-done Louise.

2020-12-01 A warm welcome to Mr Ce Liang who joined us officially from today to do his PhD with us, having completed his MSc project with us too last year. Ce was on the Dean’s List award for his outstanding academic performance in 2018-19, he was then awarded a prestigious UCL-CSC joint scholarship (20/21 entry) and we are delighted to having him in our team.

2020-05-10 We are so proud of Miss Katherine Wang founder of Lymphmotion who has been awarded £1000 funding in a video pitch competition held by venture builder Conception X to help develop her innovative Biotech start up company. Katherine idea meant that her team was the winner of ClinMed EIT health summer school in 2019, she subsequently presented her work in BioStec 2020 in Malta and was then accepted into Conception X accelerator programme for Medical Devices and was the winner of Conception X Pitch II competition.

2020-02-18 A huge Well done to Arsalan Marghoub for passing his PhD viva with minor corrections.

2019-06-06 Very Well done to Connor Cross and Katherine Wang to win the best 1st and 2ed year PhD student presentations at the UCL Mechanical Engineering Summer Session 2019.

2019-03-28 We are delighted to have been awarded a Human Frontier Science Program Research Grant. This project will investigate the mechanisms underlying the development, patterning and evolution of calcified tissues that form within the skin of some animals, i.e. osteoderms. This is a joint collaboration with Dr Bertazzo, Prof Evans at the University College London (UK), Dr Abzhanov at Imperial College London (UK), Dr Herrel at Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle (France) and Dr Vickaryous at the University of Guelph (Canada).

2019-02-01 We are so proud of Arsalan for a really nice paper on modelling bone formation at the cranial sutures that was published today in the Physical Review Letters.

2018-12-07 A huge well-done to Katherine for presenting her work at the 5th Masterclass in Arthroplasty Surgery in Thessaloniki, Greece and for her first paper being accepted for publication in the Clinical Biomechanics.

2018-11-13 We had a great evening, welcoming Connor and Rosa to the team, starting their PhDs and Leila and Sthatis as our clinical visiting researchers from Paris and Thessaloniki.

2018-07-27 We organized and run the first one-day mini-symposium on “Advances in Craniosynostosis – Basic Sciences to Clinical Practice” at UCL Mechanical Engineering. A great meeting that brought about 80 attendees/experts together from across the world.

2018-07-10 Arsalan Marghoub became the runner up of the European Society of Biomechanics student award at the World Congress of Biomechanics in Dublin.

2018-03-01 We are delighted for Arsalan Marghoub who his first paper on predicting skull growth was published and featured on the front cover of the Journal of Anatomy.

2018-01-19 Many congratulations to Dr Joseph Libby, first PhD student of Moazen Lab, who passed his viva. Joe had started working for Smith & Nephew from Sep/Oct 2017.

2017-09-01 A warm welcome to Katherine Wang who joined us to do his PhD on Periprosthetic femoral fracture fixations.

2015-09-01 Arsalan Marghoub started his PhD at Moazen Lab at UCL Mechanical Eng.

2015-07-01 Moazen Lab moved from the University of Hull to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University College London (UCL).